Founder and CEO, Women’s Conference of Florida
Mainstage Speaker
Arlene has been a vital, trusted adviser on political campaigns, policy development, grassroots outreach, and ballot initiatives for more than two decades. She has conducted public outreach for three separate Florida governors and their administrations and has influenced presidential, gubernatorial, and congressional campaigns within Florida, Michigan, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Washington, D.C. Her work transcends beyond the political realm into non-profit, digital media, and traditional media landscapes, with a special talent for organizing and managing high-level events and corporate communications.
Throughout her career, Arlene has consistently witnessed women at a standstill: struggling to rise in the ranks of leadership in male-dominated industries; hesitant to accept prestigious roles, such as a governor-appointed seat on a board of directors; wary of their own ability to make a difference. As a result, Arlene’s passion to help break down the barriers to success for women blossomed. By founding the Women’s Conference of Florida, she hopes to inspire and encourage women across the state to unabashedly reach their true potential.